10foods that enhance sinus health


                                . It is good to pay attention to habits that keep us healthy and strengthen the immune 

In the autumn, when the days are getting shorter and it is getting colder outside, colds and inflamed sinuses are often something we already expect and know will hit us. If we pay attention to the following 10 tips, we may be able to spend the fall this year without getting those annoying colds


Drink more water * 


Drinking large amounts of fresh, clean water is crucial for healthy sinuses. Many minor symptoms of chronic sinusitis can be alleviated by drinking water regularly. The body desperately needs water to perform every function.

When we do not drink enough, the body selectively "reduces" the amount of water in less necessary processes, so that it is enough for those processes that are more important in the body for "survival". This can quickly lead to thicker mucus in the sinuses, which cannot move smoothly, clogs the sinuses and allows bacteria to grow, which later leads to inflammation.


Let's eat Pineapple *


Pineapple contains many antioxidants that protect delicate mucous membranes from damage. Enzymes in pineapple break down the dirt that accumulates in the sinuses and thus reduce inflammation.


3.Add hot peppers to meals several times.


Hot peppers can open the sinuses. When we eat something hot and spicy, we feel our nose open and our nasal cavities become softer. This is due to capsaicin, a substance that makes peppers and pepperoni hot. Capsaicin reduces pain, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the immune system.


Although it can't exactly cure sinusitis, it's still a good way to clear mucus in the sinuses. However, capsaicin and spicy foods should be used wisely and within normal limits, as too much spicy food can lead t.indigestion, nausea, and abdominal pa.

Include horseradish in your regular die*


Horseradish may not be exactly the food that would be on our plates every day, but it has many health benefits. Horseradish contains many nutrients and minerals, dietary fiber, vitamin C, folate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese, as well as enzymes and oils such as sinigrin, a powerful glucosinolate.


Glucosinolates are secondary plant metabolites and are sulfur compounds that have a strong bitter taste and pungent odor and have anti-cancer effects.


Burning root works similarly to chili peppers, reducing inflammation and stimulating the immune system. It also has antibiotic properties.


.Let's eat garlic*


Garlic and onions work similarly to peppers in reducing inflammation and pain. Allicin, a sulfur compound in garlic, has antibacterial, antifungal, and, in some cases, antiviral effects.

Garlic can be easily used in the kitchen and can be added almost anywhere. It is a very diverse spice that goes well with almost any dish. If you do not like the taste of garlic, it is good to help yourself with nutritional supplements in the autumn transition period, when the possibility of colds is greater, thus strengthening the immune system.


 . Increase your intake of probiotics*


The good bacteria in our gut help prevent the growth of bad bacteria and fungi. Fermented foods contain probiotics. Vegan choices include sauerkraut, kimchi, cucumbers, coconut yogurt, tempeh, miso, and kombucha.


We can also take Viridian probiotics in capsules to help establish a healthy microbiome. The probiotic course should last at least three months, as this is the only way for a sufficient number of good bacteria to settle and multiply in our intestines, which then enables the immune system to function well. As we know, the seat of the immune system is right in the gut.


Eat foods that are high in antioxidan*


Chronic sinusitis is a result of oxidative damage. Antioxidants protect the mucosa and protect it from free radicals. Choose bright, colorful fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, kiwis, spinach, berries, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and similar foods. These are often filled with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.


. Add ginger to your diet*


Ginger contains anti-ois with ants, natural antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory components that speed healing, reduce pain, and prevent swelling and congestion throughout the body. Ginger relieves pain, including sinus pain, nausea, and discomfort.

One of the best ways to make ginger is ginger and curcumin tea. This drink is not only a cure for colds but also a daily routine of rejuvenation and well-being.

 . Treat yourself to turmeric several times*


Turmeric is associated with ginger and contains many similar benefits. It is found in Indian cuisine and spices such as curry. Pour a little turmeric into hot water and then gargle the mixture until your sinuses clear.


. Use coconut oil*

Coconut oil reduces inflammation and kills some bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Try lubricating your mouth with coconut oil, and you will notice that your sinuses will open up.

It is good to prepare well for autumn rainy days when it is getting colder outside. We strengthen our immune system and resistance so that we can breathe normally and not have problems with inflamed sinuses and  constant headaches. Preventive health care always pays off.






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