5 Things Your Nails Can Say About Your Health

Fingernails and toenails. They're not just for decoration, they protect your fingers and toes and help you pick up tiny things like splinters or that piece of spinach stuck between your teeth after lunch. And they can also tell you a lot about your health nails are collections of dead cells that grow from a root called a matrix hidden just beneath The matrix continuously creates new cells called plate cells, and each layer pushes the old dead plate cells out of the cuticle, causing them to develop differently or even change color. This typically indicates that something is amiss with the matrix or the surrounding tissue.

So by working backward, you can often figure out what's doing the interfering and in the process, maybe learn something about what's going on in your own body.

 Those lines, for example, are horizontal ripples on the surface of a nail, they look like little waves, and they form when the matrix stops producing new cells for a while and the matrix starts making new cells again, they push the nail out as usual, but there's an indentation marking the spot where it stopped kind of like a tree root.

The matrix would have pressed the pause button for a purpose.

 5 Things Your Nails Can Say About Your Health

 Probably it wasn't getting enough nutrients from the bloodstream. Usually that means that the person has an infection or some other kind of serious illness.

 The body shapes its nutrient flow away from low priority activities like growing nails and towards high priority activities like not die.

That's why people who have high fevers for a while often develop those lines a month or so afterwards. hitted nails are another potential matrix issue where the nail surfaces have indentations that look like very small potholes.

 These pits have been associated to skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, which can induce matrix inflammation. an inflamed matrix produces new plate cells unevenly so you end up with depressions on the nails surface nails can also change color something you've probably noticed if you've studied your nails on a cold day and realized they were blue.

Generally that means that your extremities aren't receiving enough oxygen. Low-oxygen blood is darker and reflects light in a peculiar way through your skin.

Making your nails look bluish. It could just be your body reacting to cold by constricting your blood vessels but a person whose blood isn't receiving enough oxygen could have a respiratory illness like asthma or emphysema wounds can also be a sign of Raynaud's disease, a disorder marked by spasms in a person's blood vessels that narrow them the narrowing reduces blood flow to the extremities so they get blue nails, blue nails, it's not actually the nail changing colors the bed underneath it, but nails can also turn yellow, and that's actually the nail changing color.

This can happen for a lot of different reasons. In most cases, it's caused by a fungal infection known as a nickel mycosis seized or mold sets up shot within the actual nail plate turning it yellow, it doesn't smell too great either.

 Yellow nails can also indicate something more serious, such as yellow nail syndrome, which doesn't seem too bad but occurs when the matrix produces new plate cells but not enough of them. very slowly, so they pile up and create a thicker yellowish nail plate but like both lines yellow nail syndrome is caused by something else it could be a chronic respiratory disease which would reduce the nails oxygen supply and slow growth or it could be a sign of an issue with the lymphatic system which distributes protein rich fluids throughout the body.

 Usually that issue is cancer or AIDS or black or brown streak in a nail can also be super serious or nothing at all.

 Some people that streak can signal so bungle melanoma a form of skin cancer that affects the nail bed which is the skin underneath the nail plate. Melanoma often changes the color of the skin, including the skin under nails, the shriek also might be harmless if you have a darker complexion, it's completely normal.

 In one study, 77% of Black people over the age of 20 reported having a darker streak in their nails.

So it could be something or it could be nothing which is why if you're worried about the color or look at your nails, here's a tip don't get all your medical advice from the internet.

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