(After they deceived you and said Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is untreated, Finally the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD

Why does the patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder not stop thinking or doing compulsive habits? 

OCD suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder wishes he could get rid of repetitive thoughts or actions, but he does not appreciate the severity of his anxiety because of those thoughts.  genetically  Knowing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder One of the problems of this disease is the lack of correct knowledge of what it is, the correct diagnosis of the disease is the first treatment.  Weak character or God is angry with them, and the problem is that this perception of the disease does not lead to a cure, but may even exacerbate the problem. 

Add to that that sometimes  many doctors do not diagnose the disease in the correct way, either due to their lack of knowledge of developments or their indifference (I read in one of the pages on obsessive-compulsive disorder that a patient in the United States may spend 9 years in  Attempting to treat his illness in incorrect ways before he reaches the correct diagnosis and then treatment, so how about us).  The other problem is that the patient may be embarrassed to tell someone about his illness for fear that people will think that he is crazy or strange or the like, and the reason for this may be that he thinks that it is a shame to think in this way, so how then should he tell others about that?  In addition to that, some may imagine that this disease is not a disease, but may believe that what he is doing is correct, especially in some obsessions that are specific to compulsive habits.  He believes that he is sick, but rather because he believes that what he is doing is correct, so he does not perform treatment because he believes that he does not need it.  Defining the patient’s family One of the problems that the patient’s family encounter is how to meet the disease, there are those who try to meet the disease with rationality, another with anger, and another with despair and so on, but the problem is that trying to treat in these ways may exacerbate the problem, there is nothing worse than trying to confront the idea in the patient’s head and arguing  With her, arguing does not work. There is no arguing as sophisticated as what is in the patient’s head. As soon as the patient’s family tries to understand the obsessiveness, the obsessive responds in a malicious manner and becomes stronger.  Therefore, it is necessary for the parents to understand the correct way to deal with the patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, so that the patient’s family does not despair and end up in divorce, desertion, disagreement or the like, especially since some patients may lose their jobs, and they may lose friends and thus cut off their lives.  Social.  The patient’s behavioral therapy may be very difficult for the patient to treat himself, especially since behavioral therapy needs to confront the disease, and only the person with OCD may know the severity of the pain that afflicts the patient, but this pain cannot be escaped from, so I say  For the patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder that the disease will not disappear if it is left for time, the treatment, although it was painful at first, but after a period of time it will go away, and these thoughts that disturb and worry the patient will disappear and gradually weaken, until they become worthless.  Taking medicine It is very important for the patient to take the medicine if the specialist prescribed it for him, especially since the medicines at the present time have reached an advanced stage, for example the pills called: Prozac. This type of medicine belongs to the group (SSRI or  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor), this drug increases the level of serotonin in the brain so that the brain restores its normal activity and negative thoughts disappear.  It is worth noting that this drug is not addicted to the abuser, but he can leave it at any time he wants.  But the problem with taking this type of medicine is that it takes a number of weeks for it to begin to have a positive effect on the patient, and this is the problem, especially that the patient is in a hurry, and despair and frustration gnaw at his thinking, so the patient may leave the medicine early, and the other problem is that some  Physicians who prescribe the drug to the patient hardly have to do their part in showing how the drug works and how long the drug takes before the desired effect is achieved.  Those for whom the doctor prescribes medicine must continue to take it until recovery or until the doctor says to stop it.  Is it possible for these obsessions to go away on their own if left for time?  No, if you do not treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, it will not go alone. Studies conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Shwartz of UCLA have confirmed that if this disease is left for time, it will remain with the person moving from one obsessive to another.  This may lead to an exacerbation of the psychological state and depression, and the person may be isolated from his family and friends.  Key points about obsessive-compulsive disorder: Obsessive-compulsive disorder does not go away by itself if it is left for time.  Change must be practiced in order for the sick person to overcome his disease. 

The more a person succumbs to these compulsions and compulsions, the more intense they become--like a fire that gets hotter the more wood is thrown into it, and the more time is left it moves from one idea to another.  There are many people who suffer from the same disease all over the world, you are not the only one who suffers from it, and the solution is simple, although it will take some time, maybe six months

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