Arab star Mohamed Salah

Egyptian star Mohamed Salah's statements


The Egyptian star Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool striker, was hosted. A guest on the program Her Excellency. Presented by the artist "Esaad Younes", the dialogue centered on many topics inside and outside the stadium
Mohamed Salah spoke in the first half of the interview.
Mohamed Salah talked about his goals in life, and what he faced at the beginning of the journey, saying: "One of my goals in life is to convince people of their ability to achieve what they desire.
Life was difficult for me because I do not master the English language, and I talked to myself and said: Do I want to return to Egypt in a month or two like anyone who traveled and achieved nothing, or should I continue, struggle and succeed?
Mohamed Salah revealed the secret of his wife's crowning of the Golden Boot on his behalf, saying: "I preferred that my wife go up to receive the Golden Boot award instead of me because she does not appear with me much, and it was important for her to receive the award, and she was a little nervous."
The Egyptian "Pharaoh" also spoke about his personal life: "I got to know my wife when we were in school, and we used to share a game of questions with each other, and our relationship with each other started from here, and we were always in sharp engravings.
The mother of Mecca has become for Egyptian women an awesome icon and role model, and they love her very much.
My wife is of her nature, she is a good Egyptian and does not appear much, and no matter how much I talk, I cannot do her justice because she is the most tired person with me.”
Mohamed Salah said about his pride in wearing the shirt of the "Pharaohs" team: "I have the honor every time he wears the Egyptian shirt, and he considers that the World Cup qualification match is the most important in his sports career.
The most beautiful feeling in the world is winning a match with the national team, and for me to go to the World Cup after such a long period was the most important meeting I played, the atmosphere and the fans in the stadium and the joy of the Egyptian people is indescribable.
Going to the World Cup in 2018 is the best thing I did for the national team, especially after a long absence from reaching the World Cup.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo match, which led us to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, is the most important match I have played in my life, especially in light of the atmosphere that surrounded the match.”

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