Banana health benefits

Bananas have important health benefits, as bananas can help regulate blood sugar


The idea that people with prediabetes or diabetes should avoid sweet fruit is a myth, as long as you stay within your carb needs.

In fact, bananas, which contain pectin and resistant starch, may help lower blood sugar.


Bananas may help heart health

While most people think of potassium as a mineral, it also acts as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are useful in regulating muscle contraction. Because the heart is a muscle, potassium is closely related to heart health.


Potassium can also help balance levels of sodium, which controls the fluid outside the cells.


A severe deficiency of potassium and too much sodium means excess fluid and an increase in the volume of blood in the bloodstream. This increases blood pressure with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.


control high blood pressure


Because of research on potassium and high blood pressure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has agreed to the following health claim: "Diets containing foods that are good sources of potassium and that are low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke."

Bananas may actually help you feel fuller faster, thanks to the combination of pectin and resistant starch. Experts explained that because it delays gastric emptying, it leads to eating fewer calories.

Green bananas are best for this because when they ripen, or get old, they lose pectin.

Also, the greener the banana, the more resistant starch it contains. In addition, green bananas are high in fiber, which can cause gas, bloating and constipation.

Bananas are good for digestive health

When it comes to gut health, adopting green bananas promotes constipation “due to the increased amount of resistant starch and pectin,” both of which slow down digestion in the stomach.

While ripe bananas can cause diarrhea as less resistant starch and more fiber can move stools, soluble fiber pulls water in, making it easier to pass.

Bananas contain insoluble fiber: insoluble fiber absorbs and processes nutrients, while soluble fiber creates a soft mass for the body to detoxify the digestive system.

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