Causes of infertility in women

Infertility in women is due to: * A defect in the ovaries, and this constitutes 30-40% of infertility cases in women. 

Where the function of the ovaries is disturbed or ovulation is absent as a result of a defect in the secretion of pituitary and ovarian hormones that affect the growth and maturation of the egg and consequently its release and release from the ovary to be captured by the tube and complete its natural journey, or as a result of a congenital defect in the tissue formation of the ovaries or the occurrence of cysts around it. 

* A defect in the tubes or what we call the fallopian tubes or the fallopian tubes, this is estimated at 30-40% of the causes of infertility in women.  The tubes are considered a carrier of the egg first, as the tube grabs the egg from the ovary and makes it easy to slide inside, then it meets the sperm and fertilization takes place and the fertilized egg continues its way to the uterus. 

The defect is the presence of a congenital deformity in the absence of the tube, for example, or the presence of a previous pelvic infection that led to a complete or partial blockage of the tube in one or both sides, inside or outside the tube, to impede the normal course of the egg and then its arrival in time to the uterus for nesting, development and growth.  A defect in the cervix is ​​estimated in approximately 5% of infertility cases in women. 

Where the cervix is ​​the first barrier that the sperm must cross or penetrate its secretions to reach the uterus, and any change in the nature of these cervical secretions or cervical mucus may hinder the entry of sperm, prevent them or even kill them due to (the presence of infections) or previous surgeries on the neck  The uterus or the effect of hormonal disturbances or even congenital malformations, which are few and rare. 

* Reasons in the uterus, including the presence of fibrous tumors, polyps, or adhesions as a result of infections, previous surgical interventions, or congenital abnormalities, and all of this hinders the nesting of the fertilized egg in the endometrial membrane to grow and grow. 

* Immunological reasons, is the presence of immune bodies against self-sperm in the man or in his blood or in the woman also in the blood or in the cervical mucus, which also kills the sperm, which are very rare cases. 

* Unexplained reasons and this is in the spouses, the spouses may be healthy with a medical examination, yet pregnancy does not occur.

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