greenhouse gases cause

The world around us is changing fundamentally as a result of human actions such as pollution and population growth.


greenhouse gases cause


the primary reasons of the greenhouse effect phenomena. The sun's light enters the atmosphere through gases such water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. Nevertheless, prevent some heat from escaping.


The more greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere, like the glass walls of a greenhouse, the more heat is trapped, enhancing the greenhouse effect and raising Earth's temperature.


Since the industrial revolution, human activities like the burning of fossil fuels have caused an increase in atmospheric CO2 of more than a third.. than a third..


greenhouse gases cause
greenhouse gases cause


The globe has been warming at an alarming rate due to the sudden increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While the climate on Earth has changed in the past. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere haven't been this high in tens of thousands of years.


Our oceans, our weather, our food supply, and our health are all impacted by climate change. Antarctica and Greenland's ice sheets are both melting. Sea levels rise as more water that was once stored in glaciers leaks out of the oceans, flooding coastal areas.


Extreme weather is also exacerbated by rising temperatures. This entails longer and more frequent droughts in addition to stronger big storms, floods, and heavy snowfall. These weather variations provide difficulties. Crop growth becomes more challenging.


Water resources are reduced and the places where plants and animals can survive change. The physical health of humans can be directly impacted by climate change in addition to posing new agricultural issues.


The warmer air in cities produces a climate that traps pollution and makes it more prevalent. This is because ozone particles, which are present in smog and which quickly grow at higher temperatures. Asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer are just a few of the health issues that increasing smog exposure can bring on.


Humans are the ones who are responsible for the rapid rate of climate change, but they are also the ones who can stop it. We may yet be able to stop global warming if we try to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources like solar and wind, which don't emit greenhouse gases some of the worst effects of climate change.


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