How do I get rid of belly fat

I recently went for a medical exam, and was shocked by the results. My doctor told me that my blood pressure had gone up since last year, and he also told me that I was morbidly obese. At first, I was surprised because I thought the changes in my lifestyle would help me shed the weight, but it turns out that even though I've lost a lot of weight over the past year, my belly fat tends to cling to dear life

1:Understand why you have belly fat

A person who is overweight or obese has more than just physical problems. Research shows that people who are overweight are more likely to develop depression, low self-esteem, high blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems, and joint stiffness due to excess body fat. Being overweight makes a person 10 times more likely to have a heart attack, which can lead to death. So it is very important that you understand why there is belly fat in the first place and what you can do about it.
2:How to get rid of belly fat
Some people are blessed with genetics and have a fast metabolism, thus a naturally lean body. These people can eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce of fat.
Everyone else, though, has to work for her. The first step in losing weight is knowing which foods make you gain weight, and then avoiding those foods. After that, you should start exercising regularly.
The best way to do this is to get up early and exercise before your day begins. It's easier to go for a run or go to the gym when all you have to do is get dressed and get dressed
3:What exercises are performed with the abdominal muscles? (list and explanation)
According to experts, most people don't do the exercises that give them the best abs. Here are three exercises that will make you look like you have a six pack.
The first exercise is called "Planx". This is one of the best exercises for your core muscles. It will also help with your balance and posture. Hold yourself in a pushing position for as long as possible. Ultimately, you'll want to hold this for 60 seconds or more.
The second exercise is called crunches. Push-ups focus on the upper abdominal muscles, and they are used to it
4:What is your order plan? (list and explanation)
There are many diets and most of them are good. However, you should always choose the plan that is best for your body type and lifestyle. Some people don't like counting calories or tracking their intake, but that doesn't mean these plans don't work. They do!
How do you choose a diet plan?
 5:Tips on how to stay motivated! 
Many times people start a new diet or exercise program and quit smoking after a few days. The reason they resign is not to motivate them to stick with it.
What should you do to not fall into this category?
You can create an environment that helps you stay motivated with your diet or exercise plan. Here are some tips that will help you
1) Start with small goals: Don't try to lose 50 pounds or run a marathon in a month. Start with smaller goals like losing 5 pounds in a month or running a 5K indoor marathon
You've probably heard it all before, "Abs are made in the kitchen." or "Just do more abdominal exercises." Those abs won't appear overnight, but they will when you stop eating junk food and start doing abdominal exercises. The key to getting rid of belly fat is diet and exercise! Here are some simple tips to help you get started:
1) Do cardio exercises daily
Cardio is a must if you want to lose weight. Cardio burns extra calories without putting extra stress on your body. walking and jogging

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