How to earn the first dollar for a beginner in the field of profit from the Internet

Nowadays, there are many online earning individuals looking for the best ways to reach their goals and earn their first dollars in their life and of course there are some ways to do that

First :

Short links I mean here when you shorten a website link, YouTube video, app link, software download link and you post it on your Facebook account with your friends or on your Facebook page and when people click on your link and skip it you get cents and after several Thousands of links, for example, you get $ 5 for that depends on the country they click from, and this is a continuous work to publish new links that keep working for a long time and earn from them over time, so I have some reliable sites, for example:

The DZ4LINK site that I used personally and is free of bad ads. All you have to do is register on the site and start working.

Website link:

The second site also:

Website link:

The third site: The site is new and the profit rate is high. The CPM rate for Arab countries is $7

The site link, which is also a good site:

Second, websites to upload and monetize your files. Well all you have to do is upload a file I mean here an app, document, image, text, etc... When you share your download links you get a cent when people skip ads and like this you earn it This is a good move for you as a beginner and here are the most useful websites that You will benefit from it I totally recommend them to use it and it is very well known in the Arab countries

1- First site: Gulfup

Website link:

2- Second site: upload-4ever

Website link:

3- Third site: Mega4up

Website link:

4- Fourth site: apkadmin

Website link:

أعجبك المقال , قم بالان بالاشتراك في النشرة البريدية للتوصل بالمزيد


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أبريل 18, 2024, 10:49 ص عبدالرحمن
أكتوبر 12, 2022, 11:29 ص Business man