The word love is very beautiful, but some do not understand the meaning of love, and others take advantage of the other under the name of the word love, and few know and live the meaning of true love. We live in it

the meaning of love :
It is giving, giving and loving good to others, and it is providing assistance to others with all the beautiful qualities.
who do you Love ?
God’s love: It is the highest form of love. God’s love for us is unrequited love, and our love for God gives peace and tranquility in our hearts.
Spouse Spouse: It is the condition of the spouses, the spouses, and the person lives and lives it
And in order for them to marry in every aspect of daily life, which is the sisters' love for each other, and what they say is the age of blood.
Children's toys: Furniture toys are in our hearts.
Parents: Children are to love and obey and their parents help them and their parents, the color that replaces them
The blessing of friends: Friends are a great blessing in our lives, so that there are friends who are considered more than sisters
It shouldn't cross boundaries or friendship
Love gives us an inner energy with which we can overcome our problems and our security. Love works miracles. Love makes us feel that we are above the clouds. With one word from someone who greets you, to raise you to the highest boats and fly you to the top of the clouds. Love is a beautiful gift from God within us. Without love, our hearts and feelings would have become an earthly stone.
Who we loved, do not stone your heart, express some questions who we loved, do not stone your heart.
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