Profit from the Internet
It is the profit that many are looking for, especially housewives, and in fact, for those who understand computers, it is very smooth and sometimes
The unemployed are looking for those who have university degrees and others
Such as filling out data remotely or making designs, and often we find social media users heading to create groups for these matters
In most cases, there are scam sites and in my opinion, these swindlers should be punished due to the destructive psychology they cause to some, and I say these words based on my personal experience, unfortunately, and that will be due to the person’s diligence on them to find a way to benefit from either an increase in his income or to find a job opportunity, and I hope the authorities concerned with electronic fraud matters Intensification
Its efforts to detect
Such sites due to the large number of scams and fraud in these sites and all I hope is that only honest sites remain because most people these days have become their lives on the Internet and I hope that it is not only a means of entertainment
But it is also a way to benefit and in proportion to what I see and what we live for our current time, so I suggest the following solutions
First, make every effort to increase work via the Internet, because it has become an outlet for the majority
Second, putting forward the ideas of the talented and working on the ideas of the creators to increase the cooperation of electronic networks in building a constructive generation that is instead of being a useless dependency.
Spreading full awareness and giving education courses on useful sites, banning all fraud and scam sites, and following them up first
Written by Hiam Abu Kiwan
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