Some tips for the continuation of the relationship between the husban

Some tips for the continuation of the relationship between husband and wife part One:
 The smile has an effective role between the spouses, as it is evidence of the satisfaction between them. When the husband returns from work or abroad,
the wife must meet him with a smile,
and he also meets her with the same smile, and whenever the spouses meet, whether inside the rooms, the smile must always be on the face
The wife helps her husband to take off his clothes and prepare the bathroom if he wants to take a shower. Taking care of the husband makes him love his wife,
and when she leaves what is in her hand to help him, she will find
happiness with her and her husband
 Helping the husband and wife to prepare food or to occupy the children by playing with them so that the wife can prepare the food,
as well as helping the wife to wash the utensils, and for the record, this work does not detract from the man, as all the prophets used to work in their homes and help those in the house, whether the wife,
mother or sister, so are you Better than them and try it and you will feel extraordinary happiness

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