. Surprisingly, cycling treats impotence better than Viagra

Viagra caused a sensation, these little blue pills have helped many men who suffer from impotence and do not enjoy their sex life.  Without going into the details of this drug and its negative or positive results, what concerns us here are other cases that are not able to take such a drug, especially heart patients, because it is not the right choice for them.  We find that heart patients take nitrates to treat this heart failure they suffer from, which becomes fatal if combined with Viagra. 

Do not worry because there is an alternative to that, researchers have proven that using a bicycle on a regular basis, whether stationary or moving, improves general health as well as sexual functions.  Such exercise or sports activity works like drug therapy in raising the efficiency of these functions for these patients. 

This was done in practice on about 60 men with an average age of 57 years with chronic heart failure but in a stable condition, but without prostate problems, and about half of them were taking nitrates.  They were divided into two groups, one of the two groups followed an exercise regime on a stationary bike for eight weeks, three times in one week, and the other group continued its normal routine in its daily life, while continuing to take drugs for both groups. 

Practical and oral tests were conducted before and after the research.  And the final results were reached, which indicate that there is a general improvement in the health, fitness and quality of life of these patients, for the first group, of course.  The reason for this is due to the amount of oxygen entering the body of these patients, which increased by 18%, and thus the response of blood vessels was better, and because physical activity helps to bring about positive changes in the cells called (endothelium) that connect the walls of blood vessels, and these changes mean that  The blood becomes rich in oxygen, which leads to it reaching every part of the body, including the penis.

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