The Islamic Religion

The Islamic Religion

Islam is monotheism and the belief that God Almighty alone is the one God who has no partner, and its provisions were revealed in the Noble Qur’an and the details of these provisions in the hadiths of the Prophet. ... - The first pillar: the pronunciation of the two testimonies: "I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." The second pillar: establishing the prayer, which is performing the five daily prayers on time

  Our talk about religion is our talk about a message presented by our true Messenger to expel people from the pre-Islamic era and to confirm that God is one, one who was neither begotten nor born, and our true religion affirmed our belief in the messengers and prophets.

 It is often afraid of God and fears of Islam because the Koran itself is miraculous. whomsoever you will without reckoning)


 Among the hadiths, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, explained to us the principles of quarantine with the clearest statement, preventing people from entering the town affected by the plague, and also preventing the people of that town from leaving it, but making leaving it like fleeing from the crawl, which is one of the major sins, and made for the patient in the plague wage And that is what is currently happening in our current situation with the Corona virus, and the solution to what I hope is that most of humanity will understand that our religion is a religion of ease and not hardship

أعجبك المقال , قم بالان بالاشتراك في النشرة البريدية للتوصل بالمزيد


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