The one whose vision widened

The one whose vision widened



The one whose vision widened
The one whose vision widened



his expression narrowed: Ignorance is the pillar of peace to watch Al-Nafari did not know that, centuries after his death, one of his revelations in his well-known book, “The Positions and Conversations,” would be one of the entrances to poetic modernity, based on his famous phrase “the wider the vision the narrower the phrase.” All letters are sick except for the alif. Do you not see every italicized letter, and do you not see the alif standing without italic? The book “Al-Mawqaf wa al-Mukhawabat” is the most famous work accomplished by Muhammad bin Abdul-Jabbar bin Hassan Al-Nafari, who was born in the town of Nefer in Iraq, and to which he is attributed. And out of his excessive modesty, as mentioned by historical references, he did not write what he was saying, but was writing his book orally for his disciples.

Researchers believe that had it not been for Ibn Arabi’s references in “The Meccan Conquests” and “Risala al-Ayyan,” the successors would not have been sure of the attribution of “Attitudes and Correspondence” to Al-Nafari, whom Adonis considers “the legitimate ancestor of the Arabic prose poem,” pointing out in his book “Sufism and Surrealism” that Al-Nafari's style in his attitudes or speeches differed from the style of the rhymed metered poem. Dar Al-Mashriq in Beirut had issued a new edition of a book of his called “Unpublished Sufi Texts,” which included texts that were not published by Al-Nafari, but belong to his own Sufi dictionary.

His well-known book "Attitudes and Correspondence" Knowledge is a path to action Among these texts, al-Nafari affirmed that “knowledge is a path to action...and ignorance is the pillar of tranquility,” and “between speech and silence is an isthmus in which is the grave of reason and in it is the grave of things.” Here is a circumambulation accompanied by those who said, “The hearts of people are their doors to all letters.” It is not that you learn to turn in, it is that you learn to turn away. Cast your mind away from arranged wisdom. I'm talking to you to see, not to talk. If I talk to you, you see, and if you see, then there is no hadith. My house is in wisdom, and wisdom has no door or wall. All of my house has doors, and it has no roof that can shade it, and it has no land to cover it. Everything has a secret: if you stand on it, you carry it and it does not carry you, expand it and it does not contain you.

The secret is in the work, the occurrence of the afterlife, and with it the workers responded to the work, and in their response to the work, they differ in it and separate from it, as the science is different. Whoever responded to it, differs according to it. If you enter the sciences, then enter it passing through: it is one of your roads, so do not stop in it, and those who built in it will come to you and deceive you with their homes that they have built in it. There is no door in front of you, so you go there, and there is no door behind you, so you turn to it. Say so I can hear. The letters came to you, and she said to you: Tell the humans, and the letters came to you, and she said to you: Tell the jinn. The letters came to you, and she said to you: Tell the angels. And the letters came to you and said to you: Say to God, say to the letters: You belong to God. Secret, I am your guide to me.

Who do you talk to and who listens to you? He called: Oh debate, oh debate, and oh why! Oh how! Oh guide, oh torrent! Then everything but wisdom came to him. I have made the meanings in your mind, and I have placed the letters on your tongue, for the letters are my names, and the meanings are my act, and I have made for you the manifestation of my action by my names. If you combined two letters with me correctly, he will bear witness to that, and if you combined two letters incorrectly, he will bear witness against you. Not every survivor is wise. You are what Ozmr your heart. Each of my names is a council. Stand in the council of the principled demonstrator. Knowledge is narrow: Knowledge is narrow. Knowledge narrowed: Knowledge is narrow. Narrow literature: literature is narrow. The universe is narrow: the universe is narrow.

In the vision narrow you know, and do not cross it. Doors to words. Each chapter has a thousand words. Each word has a position in it. In each door a thousand positions. The doors are between you and me. And the doors are yours to me. I don't have a door. There is no door between you and me. You are mine, doors are mine. You and the doors are in my hands. I stop you from it as I want. The word door is a word whose name is a word, and two words are called a word, and words whose name is a word. You won't see me, until you see me do. All knowledge is a path to action. He did not write what he was saying, but was writing his book orally for his disciples If you see fire Ignorance is a pillar of reassurance. Conversation is one of the tongues of knowledge. Character suspended on its form. Kaf is not a metaphor, it is a fact that you only know by analogy.

The day of death is the day of the wedding, and the day of solitude is the day of mourning. I tempted you because I didn't make you confident of your age. I look at you in your grave and you do not have with you what I wanted and wanted you. If you see fire, fall into it and do not run away, for if you fall into it, it will be extinguished, and if you run away from it, I will seek you and burn you. I kindle the fire with the second hand. Mali is a door and no way. If you are as I want in everything, then cry for yourself and call me, I seek refuge in you from the evil of the companion. Sleep to see me, you see me.

Knowledge is a letter that is expressed only by action, and action is a letter that is expressed only by sincerity, sincerity is a letter that is expressed only by patience, and patience is a fear that is expressed only by submission. Doubt in the letter if it is presented to you, say who brought you. The quality of the craft. The phrase is a letter and no rule for a letter. If you pause for a letter, you stand in the vision. Know and strive and work and strive and strive and strive and when you have finished throw it in the water. You will not last in a job until you arrange it and make up for what is missed, and if you do not do it, you will not work and will not last hijab crafts The letter and what is in it will come to you, and everything that appears is in it, and from it will come to you my name and my names, my secret and the secret of my beginning, and knowledge will come to you from it, and in knowledge my covenants to you and my commandments, and the secret will come to you from it, and in secret my conversation with you and my faith, they will repel you from it, so repel them from yourself. Do not push them with a dialogue, you will not be able to dialogue with the right. The veil character, the veil character. Stable knowledge is stable ignorance. The letter does not penetrate ignorance nor can it. Crafts guide to science and science metal crafts. The owners of the letters are hidden from the lists

their meanings between the classes. Perished who rode and risked. Taking risks is part of survival. Pause exit the name of the letter. If you go out of the letter out of the names. I am very dear, if they see me, they will be assured of me. The wider the vision narrowed the phrase. Ignorance is the veil of vision, and knowledge is the veil of vision Who knew the veil oversaw the disclosure. The main thing is to know, you are private or public. Whoever works as private perishes. If you have money, then I am not from you, nor are you from me. The phrase is miles

My vision does not command nor end, my backbiting commands and ends. Do not stop in my vision until you get out of the letter and the lettered. If you do not witness what is not transmitted dispersed, including transmitted. The phrase is a tendency, and if you witness something that does not change, you will not get bored. The character is unable to tell about himself, how can he tell about me? I am the craftsman and the informant. Every writer reads his writing and every reader counts his reading. universe position. Obsession in every situation and risk in every universe. The obsession roamed over everything except for science. Knowledge without ignorance in which it does not appear, ignorance in which there is no knowledge that does not appear.

The testimony is that you know and you may see and not know. I don't see it all and it doesn't fit me. I give you no more than this phrase. Sit in the needle hole and not leave, and if the thread enters the needle, do not hold it, and if it comes out, do not stretch it, and be happy, because I only love the joyful. Outlaws The Mamluks are in Heaven and the free ones are in Hell. Misbek is wrong and wrong does not have the right. These are common homelands. If you see fire, fall into it and do not run away, for if you fall into it, it will be extinguished, and if you run away from it, I will seek you and burn you If modesty does not contract with this symbol, it will never be held. The veil of science is the outer science of letters, and the inner is the rule of letters.

Those outside the craft are the people of the Presence. The outlaws are the outlaws. The letter applies where the intent is Jim Heaven Jim Hell. He said to me from the people of Hell, I said the people of the outward letter, he said from the people of Paradise, say the people of the inner letter. The stronger you are in ignorance, the stronger you are in knowledge. If you do not know who you are, you will not benefit in knowledge and will not gain work. I am closer than the letter even if it is pronounced, and I am further from the letter even if it is silent. Crafts my treasures, whoever entered it has carried my trust.

alharf lighat watasrif watafriqat watalif wamawsul wamaqtue wamubham wamuejam wa'ashkal wahayyaati, waladhi 'azhar alharaf fi lughat hu aladhi sarafah waladhi sarafah hu aladhi faraqah waladhi faraqah hu aladhi 'alafah waladhi 'alafah hu aladhi wasal fih waladhi wasal fih hu aladhi qataeah waladhi qataeah hu aladhi 'abhamah waladhi 'abhamah hu aladhi 'aejamah waladhi 'aejamah hu aladhi 'ushakiluh waladhi 'ushakiluh hu aladhi haya'ahu, dhalik almaenaa hu maenan wahid dhalik hu nur wahid dhalik alwahid hu al'ahad alwahida. 

The letter is languages, conjugation, division, composition, plural, plural, ambiguous, lexical, forms, and bodies. The one who is foreign to him and the one who is foreign to him is the one who shapes him, and the one who shapes him is the one who prepared him, that meaning is one meaning, that is one light, that one is the one and only one.

"I symbolized the symbols, and they ended up with me, and I revealed the clear words, and they ended up with me." The first sedition is knowing the name I coded the symbols, and they ended up with me, and I disclosed the words, and they ended up with me. The one who has a vision will be spoiled by knowledge as vinegar spoils honey. I am the outward, so do not be veiled by the eyebrows, and I am the inner, do not show me outward. The first discord is knowing the name. All letters are sick, except for the alif. Do you not see every italic letter, and do you not see the alif standing without italicizing? Disease is the tendency, but the tendency to sickness, so do not get bored.

fiery crafts my destiny crafts imperative crafts from my secret wardrobe crafts command. You know the names while you are in your humanity, and you know the letters while you are in your humanity, dementia eats your mind. To warn those who knew my names from the madness of his mind. Your place is behind the letter I have and behind the letter keys. So if I send you to letters, then quote letter from letter as we quote fire from fire.

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يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق

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