The 'phleb' that baffled the scientists (does not die and lives without a brain)!


Who is the pharynx that baffled scientists?

An object that lives on our planet is not like any other we know. Characterized by very complex behavior. He lives without a brain and without a nervous system. Smart and learning from his peers and from his experiences. He appeared on Earth 500 million years ago. Known as The Blob, it's a fantasy film that was screened in the 1950s. He talks about a strange, sticky object attacking the earth. But this organism does not pose a danger to man. His scientific name is Vizarum Polysivalum. 

Classification of the pharynx and its food

It is difficult to classify the organism as it is neither plant nor animal or fungus. It has common characteristics between the three species. It has one cell. It is the largest cell in the world. It may be as large as several square meters. The organism in nature feeds on fungi. He lives on the leaves and trunks of dead trees. But in scientific laboratories it feeds on oatmeals. That's his favorite food, according to scientists. While all beings have only two sexes, the blueb has more than 700 different sexes.

The Blueb doesn't die!

It's hard to eliminate. When threatened or food is lacking, it shrinks and dries. When conditions return to normal, they come back to life. Even if the blueb is cut into pieces, it does not die. Either each piece lives alone or regroups after only three minutes. The maximum speed of the phleb is four meters per second. Although it does not have legs or hungry, it is an intravenous network capable of generating worm movements.

Blob has a high level of intelligence

When placed at the entrance to a maze, he quickly finds the shortest way to the exit to find his favorite food, oatmeal. In another experiment, a group of Japanese researchers distributed oatmeals on the map of Japan. And the place of every Japanese city they put a oatmeal. In tokyo, they put the blueb. In just 24 hours. The form of the blueb is a complex network of veins. To pick up oatmeal beads, that network mimics the accuracy of japan's railway network. that the Japanese took more than half a century to build. The phleb is an object that does not learn from its environment only. He knows his peers. During one experiment, experts learned that salt does not affect its expansion. and promised him that he was harmless to him. Then they mixed it with another object. The Blues share information with him. However, salt is not harmful to it.

The world's interest in the strange phleb

The blues are not only of interest to biologists who have been able to know that intelligence and memory are not associated with neurons. But technology experts are also trying to understand the pattern of its spread. And try to apply that to programming. Architects are trying to take advantage of the blues on the ground. Social workers are even trying to understand how Blob integrates with his surroundings to understand his experiences and try to apply them to humans. As you sit in your house now, this super-organism has persuaded scientists to take it into space. in order to conduct studies on it there to see if his lifestyle would differ from the earth.

novels and movies that talked about this object

  • The 1958 sci-fi film The Blob, which depicted the speed of the spread of this object in Pennsylvania.
  • New version of The Blob, but 1988.
  •  'Everything you'd like to know about the Blues without daring to ask the question' by French expert Audrey Dosstoor

Bluebee's transformation into a perfect holiday gift

 If you like this object, you can buy it on websites for between thirty and fifty dollars. You get home a dry version of and need little hydration to wake up and gain color again. Even in some countries, especially France, the bluebee is transformed into the perfect gift to be exchanged for the holidays. The beauty of these objects is that you can hypnotify them for months if you want to travel far away. Do you want to raise this being? And the participation of thousands around the world who are trying to conduct individual experiments on it?

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