The Use Of FSAP EMDR In Treating Addiction

Behavioral OCD disorders such as sexual addiction, addictive shopping, and compulsive gambling can cause drastic changes that affect a person's behavior, including their lifestyle. According to Hase, M. , Schulmeyer & Sack (2008), people who have no control over their sexual, shopping or gambling behavior often suffer significantly.




As a result, they face psychological, physical and financial problems. The individual explanation depends on the psychological cause of gambling addiction.


One possible reason for gambling is enjoying life coupled with a greater desire to please others. Another reason is that we need to take dangerous measures to hide our intense feelings of overload, emptiness, and despair.


The Use Of FSAP EMDR In Treating Addiction


The next reason is that they are more competitive. Because victories feel valued. Other reasons include personal home, financial freedom, social cohesion, and unbearable feelings about engaging in illegal activities (Bay et al., 2015).

In order to fix this addictive aspect of the game, you need to fix these issues and avoid the game at all costs.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a comprehensive therapeutic emotional program (O'Brien & Abel, 2011). The treatment is planned in several stages.


The addiction process requires early intervention, education, and denial management. In the second phase, the person must be involved in at least 12 programs including avoidance planning, relaxation, prevention planning, treatment, family or partner, and caregiving is of minor value.


 The final step requires an understanding of developmental issues and biological factors.

EMDR is a psychotherapeutic approach to treating co-existing trauma and is important in the management of PTSD. Cox and Howard (2007) emphasized the importance of EMDR in treating OCD in people who claim the trauma was the result of sexual coercion.


Then treatment is possible. Cox and Howard (2007) argued that traumatic situations produce quite challenging connotations. Using EMDR to treat drug abusers or alcoholics focuses on past events.


Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior Disorder (FSAP), on the other hand, indicates that obsessions result from positive emotional rigidity associated with a particular person's behavior. 


The relationship between a person's behavior and their emotions is called the sensory state. Once activated, the emotional state activates the entire individual psychosocial program. It starts with excessive behavior and leads to erratic behavior.

The process is partially non-linear due to the complex nature of the procedures involved in trauma patients. An example of a person being responsible for relying on EMDR therapy for memory restoration is when it is dangerous to seek help (Hasse et al., 2008).


It's always safe to seek help while you're being treated. Therefore, EMDR therapy can be used in the traditional forms of communication that help people seek help.


EMDR therapy will continue to be used after this event to address current triggers and future uncertainties around the topic. With a little help, customers might be interested in satisfying their current cravings for gaming, sexual activity, or addictive shopping cravings.




Ba E, Han C and Kim D (2015). Desensitization and thirst quenching in pathological gambling: a case series. Game Studies Journal, 31(1), 331-342.

Cox, RP and Howard, MD (2007). Treating sexual addiction with EMDR: a case study. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Sexual Intoxication, 14(1), 1-20.

Hase, M., Schalmeyer, S., and Sack, M. (2008) Revision of addiction memory with EMDR: pre-treatment, post-treatment, and 1-month follow-up. Journal of EMDR Application and Research, 2(3), 170-179.

O'Brien, JM, and Abel, New Jersey (2011). EMDR Steps, Addiction, and Change: A Roadmap for Interventions. Journal of EMDR Application and Research, 5(3), 121-130.

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