Treating the problem of thinness

Just as being overweight or obese has negative effects on the health of the body, losing weight or being excessively thin has some negatives, although its negatives are less harmful compared to being overweight. 

A person may complain of excessive thinness since his childhood, and it may be a new complaint to him. In this case, this person must be examined well to diagnose the cause of this weight loss, because this matter is often related to diseases in which early diagnosis is important.

  What are the harms of being too thin or losing a lot of weight?  Excessive thinness and women's beauty Just as obesity loses a woman's beauty and grace, which appears with this obesity that she is older than her real age. Also, excessive thinness is usually an undesirable trait, not only for women but also for eastern men who usually love a full woman.

  Excessive thinness is usually the reason for concealing the beauty of a woman in many parts of her body, for which the presence of fatty layers is important for the appearance of the beauty of these parts such as the face, chest and pelvis. 

Severe vulnerability to bouts of fever and diarrhea: A slim body is more affected than a normal body by bouts of diarrhea and fever, as the body is more susceptible to dehydration and fatigue. 

Vulnerability to cold weather: The fatty layers in the natural body are considered an insulator and protection for the body from severe cold weather, so we find that a thin body is more affected by the cold climate during the winter season.

  Fractures during accidents: A thin body is more prone to bone fractures during accidents, God forbid, compared to a normal body.  Psychological damage: Sometimes a skinny person is affected psychologically, and we notice this is clearly present among girls. 

The reasons for losing weight or being thin are unsatisfactory reasons (there are no diseases) and are divided into two parts: temporary (ie, for a short period) reasons.  In it, we notice a loss in body weight compared to the weight and size of the person who is accustomed to it. This usually distinguishes that this person is in good health and does not complain of abnormal symptoms or signs and that his appetite is normal and this happens when the human body is exposed to more muscular or mental work than it used to  For example, in the following cases: During exams, during training in summer camps, the first months of a young man’s marriage (marriage is often considered one of the reasons that treat excessive thinness in some people of both sexes for unknown reasons, but the psychological factor plays a major role in that  ). 

Excessive sexual activity, whether through masturbation or frequent sexual intercourse.  The person was exposed to muscle or mental work that he was not accustomed to, and the reason may be not in a lot of mental or muscle work, but in the lack of food that the person eats compared to what he is accustomed to, not as a result of weakness or loss of appetite for food (this is what we will address in the pathological causes of thinness and weight loss)  But either due to lack of food or lack of desire to eat despite the presence of appetite for it, such as during diet programs to lose weight or hunger strike.  Permanent causes, a condition in which a person, whether a man or a woman, complains of excessive thinness since childhood, despite the absence of a weak appetite, and it may be an increase in appetite. Usually, we doctors focus on the family history of this person, where it is often for a family or genetic reason.  But this does not prevent a general examination to rule out some rare causes, such as the sensitivity of the digestive system to GLUTEN MALABSORPTION or the presence of poor absorption of some nutrients, as the doctor should review the diet of this person and review his psychological state.

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