Vacuum moods

Vacuum moods



Vacuum moods
Vacuum moods



 Emptiness is not just an extension in space, or an extension in distance, or the emptiness of space and space from things, but it is a void for the soul and heart in order to return to its first nature - so the Arabs say and his heart was empty - The relationship between the human soul and his heart and things is a dialectical relationship .

that no one can break free from, so everything that is in the place __ and I mean by the place what is in your field of vision __ will undoubtedly occupy an area of ​​your soul and an area of ​​your heart, whether you like it or not, and therefore it will fill your soul and you will not find in it a place to meditate on the kingdom of the universe .

and the conditions of the world The great cosmic and therefore you will be completely preoccupied with things and turn into— ((A being something)), and your attachment to things becomes an act closer to what might be called __ (addiction to things) .


And this ((the willful act)) is a beautiful childlike behavior, and this explains this big hug that the six Sarah, my daughter, hugged when she was seven years old when we decided to get rid of our old TV, and she had a fit of crying and sadness that lasted for days,,

It may be that the child is “a thing-being.” As for the sane and complete adult letting things occupy his soul and heart and fill them, then he deprives himself of that empty soul. He is undoubtedly a miserable and needy person who deserves pity.
And when I walk here, where I live, and contemplate the emptiness of the desert, my soul flourishes, and I can almost see it rejoicing at seeing its consort and sister, the desert. The desert is the soul before it is polluted by the heaviest of all things, which is the body.
The desert is the pure 
soul before the b..ody pollutes it.

أعجبك المقال , قم بالان بالاشتراك في النشرة البريدية للتوصل بالمزيد

Ahmed - يناير 5, 2022, 1:59 م - أضافة رد


يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق
Ahmed - يناير 5, 2022, 1:59 م - أضافة رد


يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق
Reem - يناير 7, 2022, 9:47 ص - أضافة رد


يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق
Reem - يناير 7, 2022, 9:47 ص - أضافة رد


يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع كتابة تعليق

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