?What about Kamala Harris' presidential bid in 2024

How does the public see Harris' vice presidency?


Despite a recent rise in her approval rating, Harris's support among the general public has been low in recent polls ahead of the midterm elections. According to the poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight, only 38.4 percent of Americans support Harris, with 50.5 percent disapproving.


Republican critics have focused extra attention on Harris' involvement in the administration's immigration policies. Harris came under fire for saying that the U.S. borders were secure, and border city officials chastised her for skipping the region. In September, Harris' home was a target of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's (R) plan to transport migrants. Abbott tweeted, "We will keep sending migrants to sanctuary cities like" on the day he dispatched the first two buses to Harris's residence in Washington, D.C.until President Biden and Border Czar Harris take action and do their duties to secure the border.


?What about Kamala Harris' presidential bid in 2024
?What about Kamala Harris' presidential bid in 2024



The president has created it copiously obvious that he needs to run workplace yet againi will gayly run with him if he will "said she. Despite not having formally started a campaign, Biden has hinted that he's considering another candidature.

If Harris is trying to urge prepared for the worst-case situationthere's growing speculation. Gretchen Whitmer, the incumbent Democratic governor of Michigan, is seeking election. Harris recently traveled there to support her. consistent with the l. a. Times, the 2 appear to be shut buddies, however some political analysts thought their campaign hinted at a prospective contest in either the 2024 or 2028 presidential elections.


Do you think Biden will run?

Whether Biden decides to run in 2024 will have a significant impact on Harris' viability as a contender. Even while Biden hasn't formally declared that he would run for re-election, he has admitted that he does.


In a September interview with CBS News' 60 Minutes, Biden stated that the obligations associated with such a decision prevented him from making an official statement at this time. He was clear that just because he expressed an intention doesn't mean he will follow through. There is still time to change your mind.

Biden explicit , "Look, as I same at the showtime, my objective is that i'd run once more. "However, it's solely a would like. Is it definite that i will be able to run again? that's nevertheless to be determined."


If Biden decides to not run, however would Harris do with voters?

Democratic advisors and strategists have created predictions regarding Harris' probabilities in 2024. Some folks suppose it might be miscalculation to support Harris as a result of they feel that she would not be ready to hold against a lot of powerful foes.


They cite the increasing list of a lot of Democratic primary challengers United Nations agency ar getting down to see some movement within the polls. to boot, tons of strategists suppose she would not stand an opportunity against doable Republican candidates like Trump or FL DeSantis, Ron (R).


These strategists may be misreading the potential support Harris has among Democrat voters, according to poll results. Voters seem to be considering their alternatives for a 2024 Democratic primary without Biden, and polling data is actually encouraging for Harris as the party's potential next nominee.


According to a September Morning Consult/Politico poll, Harris would likely win the presidency if Biden decided not to run, with 28% of likely voters preferring her over Biden. Additionally, the poll found that more people—up from 51% to 59% in the most recent survey—believe that Biden should seek re-election..

Close According to The New York Times, Biden friend and former senator from Connecticut Chris J. Dodd lauded Harris for her work as vice president so far and hinted that she might run for president in 2024. "I hope the president stands for re-election, but even if he doesn't, Dodd added, "It's hard to think there wouldn't be a short list without Kamala's name on it. The United States' vice president is her."

Harris has a good chance of winning the 2024 election, according to the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll from October. Harris is the front-runner among the electorate's potential choices for the 2024 election, should Biden decide not to run, with 25% of the vote. Assume the following scenario Harris loses to Biden in the Democratic primary, where he was running against other candidates, with 37% to her 13%.

With unweighted margins of error of +/-4 percentage points, the Morning Consult/Politico survey was conducted Sept. 23–25 among 751 Democratic registered voters. Between October 11 and October 15, 2010, registered voters were questioned online by Harvard CAPS/Harris.

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