10Interesting Facts about cats that you did not know before

 Interesting Facts about cats that you did not know before


Cats are a huge part of our life. The history of the relationship between cats and humans goes back many centuries, and to this day, Cats remain an important part of our life.

We'll take a look at some interesting facts about cats that you probably didn't know about:

1. A cat spends 70% of its life sleeping.

You often hear the question the owners: "my cat sleeps all day, is this normal?"Yes! A pet cat does not need to look for a safe place to rest, hunt, and struggle for survival to be able to sleep from half a day to 17-18 hours. Kittens generally spend 90% of their time sleeping. By the way, it is not recommended to wake a cat too often; this can lead to increased irritation and excitability of the animal. 


How many years do cats live 

It is believed that her age is between 10 and 15 years, but there are many examples of cats living up to 20 and 22 years, and the oldest cat of all was Creme Puff from Austin, USA. She lived from 1967 to 2005 and died at the age of 38. Perhaps the owners knew some secret of longevity, because. Their former Cat also lived until he was 34 years old.


2. Cats need to feel in control of their lives.

The higher the chances that a cat should choose where to go, what to do, and when, the higher the likelihood that its basic needs will appear. Being able to access all your main resources (shelters, food, r, stalls, beds, etc.) without feeling stressed or anxious is crucial.


In addition, cats feel calmer and more confident if they can predict the occurrence of good and bad events around them (feeding and playing times, when the house is more crowded/noisy).


3. Cats do not taste sweetness.

Cats do not taste good food. In a 2006 study, scientists showed one important fact: cats are one of the few mammals that do not have taste buds for sweets.


You probably noticed that cats are completely indifferent to sweets, you will not find a cat sneaking into a cake or candy. Cats just don't taste sweet food. Best of all, they distinguish sour taste, and a little worse, bitter and salty only with the tip of the tongue. They have no receptors for sweet taste. Perhaps she will disagree and say that your cat is happy to eat ice cream or condensed milk. It is in such cases that cats are attracted by high-fat-fattens, not sweetness, and do not get pleasure. 


After all, it's harmful to cats to eat sweets, because. Their bodies do not have enough enzymes needed to process sugar. Cats also do not have very good teeth: their enamel is about 10 times thinner than that of humans. Too sweet for the teeth of cats is 10 times more harmful than ours. 


4. Cats are very good at smelling.

Predators have an excellent sense of smell - you know this fact about cats. According to a study conducted in 2010 by the University of New South Wales (Australia), wild cats smelled a "perfume" like the smell of a mouse even six days after placing a specimen with this "smell" in their habitat.


Although cats ' sense of smell is not as well developed as dogs, it is still 10,000 times better than ours.


Cats also have a special organ located on the upper palate (vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ). This organ helps them to detect and decode special chemical messages that they spread in the environment that with each other.


Cats are more sensitive to various odors, such as cleaning products and perfumes.


5. Cats have exceptional hearing.

Cats are considered to be creatures that possess one of the widest hearing ranges of any mammal. They use their large, mobile ears to amplify and locate sounds, they can hear low-frequency and ultrasonic sounds.


Cats are more sensitive to (and therefore more likely to be disturbed by) a range of everyday sounds that we cannot pick up, such as high-frequency noise from electrical appliances.


6. Cats tend to be obsessed with cleanliness.

If the cat is not stressed or sick, it prefers to go to the toilet away from the main areas of its territory and the resources located on them (for example, places where there are food, water, and beds).


and When using litter boxes, many cats prefer to use a clean litter box for each litter box and may be affected by the smell of other cats in or near the litter box.


7. Most cats prefer to avoid conflict rather than provoke it.

When a situation causes stress or difficulty for a cat, its preferred response will almost always be to move and run. If these options are not available (from the cat's point of view), she may freeze or actively try to defend herself.

10Interesting Facts about cats that you did not know before
10Interesting Facts about cats that you did not know before

Therefore, cats are more likely to show aggression as they feel that their ability to escape from stressful situations is limited.


8. Cats purr for some reason 

Do you think a cat expresses pleasure in this way Not always! They purr when they are worried, or scared, or before eating to hint to someone: it's time for dinner. There is also a hypothesis that purring is a natural mechanism of healing. It is believed that its vibrations are capable of regenerating and restoring tissues. The frequency of these vibrations ranges from 20 to 150 Hz, which corresponds to the frequencies used in physiotherapy for treatment. Therefore, do not disturb the cat when she purrs. It promotes tissue regregeneration and restoration of fragile bones and also calms the cat after stressful situations. According to some studies, cats like to stroke the muzzle, especially around the mouth, and it is better not to touch the cat's tail.


The cat communicates with the owner by purring. Moreover, they do not "talk" in this way with their brothers. If the cat purrs, it means that she is satisfied, happy, and calm. Fluffy beauties make such sounds, climbing to their knees to the owner. An alarm clock, the nervous, busy, or hungry cat will never purr. But at the same time, a cat can purr when it is in pain. Animal psychologists say that this is how animals calm themselves down.


In general, cats can make many different sounds that differ in pitch, length, and timbre. They are all different, but loud sounds most often express negative emotions, while calm and calm voices speak of a good mood and mood. 


9. Cats do not lick their fur because it is very neat.

Yes, they can spend hours decorating their coat to keep them shiny and clean, but it also helps them maintain their body temperature. Despite the thick coat, the sweat glands in cats are located only on the paws, and during the hot mont,h,s the paws of cats sweat. But to protect themselves from overheating, cats cool themselves with saliva. In addition, cats do not like extraneous smells, for example, if you put perfume on your wrists, and then hit the cat, then she will lick herself afterward. Cat owners have noticed that in most cases, cats like vertical scratching posts, and cats like horizontal ones. Why is unknown.


10. Feline whiskers act as a "navigator"

Thanks to bristles or vibrations, the cat can navigate even in absolute darkness. You feel that the air becomes denser in front of objects, and you receive information about the obstacle without physical contact with it. The cat also uses its whiskers to determine if it can be placed in a certain space. The whiskers are usually the same width as the animal's body, and with their help, the cat determines whether it can climb into any gap, box, or even inside a vase.


With the help of whiskers, cats determine whether their prey is alive or not, whether it is possible to eat this or that food, and whether it is worth waiting for a cold outside the window.


The high sensitivity of cat whiskers to vibrations makes it possible to "predict" earthquakes 10-15 minutes before their onset. No wonder residents of regions with high seismic activity keep cats as sirens.


Can a cat understand human speech


Scientists have long proven that cats can understand human speech. Of course, not complete sentences and other speech structures. They read our ringtones, voice volume, and gestures.


When the pet only settles at home, he first adapts to a new place for him. After some time, he began to understand all family members, and remember how they react in this or that case.


Cats learn to respond to nicknames and can even execute some commands, but due to their natural stubbornness and independence, they can be trained and educated much worse than dogs.


However, their inability to train is compensated by incredible foresight and quick wit. They can obey those who love them and respect personal boundaries. After all, cats remain those animals that walk alone

Finally. Cats are unique animals. Independent and proud by nature, they can be very domestic - affectionate, and obedient. Of the more than 70 breeds, a cat is one of the most popular pets, which is not surprising. They belong to companion animals, are not whimsical in care, and are perfectly clean.

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