Attack on titan mod | minecraft pe

Attack on titan mod | minecraft pe

Recently, many mods for mobile Minecraft have spread and are close to the level of Java mods!

And today I will show you one of the best mobile Minecraft mods: Attack on Titan Titans Mod ( Shingeki no kyojin ) The beautiful mod is that the 3D giants shape.

In this mod you will find:


• Eggs to summon the owners of the nine legendary giants (Eren, Rainer, Zeke, Annie, Bertoldo, Boco, Armin,).

• When any of them is hurt, they can transform into giants ( Attack Giant, Armored Giant, Chariot Giant, Colossal Giant, Beast Giant, Female Giant, Jaw Giant, Hammer Giant, Founding Giant ).

• You can summon Levi and Mikasa Ackerman.

• There are eggs to summon giants directly without the need to call the user and then harm him.


Mod features:


• 3D giants shapes.

• The sizes of the giants are real according to the anime.

• The power of giants is suitable for them.

• When the giant dies, its owner comes out of it and can transform again, like the anime.

• The giants who fight in the anime also fight in the mod.

• When the giant dies, a mythical animation appears.

• The animation of the movement of the giants is awesome.

• The voices of giants are awesome.

• There are nine legendary giants in the mod in addition to the normal giants in addition to special giants such as the giant (the father of Hystoria) who crawled on his stomach and face.

• There is a giant Bertoldo and another huge giant Armin.

• The giants that appeared in the manga are also present.

• When the monster giant is summoned, ordinary giants will be summoned next to it.


I will show you pictures of some giants:

1. The Colossal Giant

2. Armored Giant

3. The attacking giant

4. Giant jaw

5. Giant beast

6. Giant Bowser

7. Giant Hammer

8. The Female Giant

9. The Founding Giant

10. Ordinary Giant

11. The giant crawling on its stomach and face


And all this for Minecraft mobile!


This is the best mod for giants so far


Download the mod:

Link to download the mod, click here


Important note :

The mod will be downloaded as a zip file, you have to extract the files (two files B and R) you have to put file B in the behavior_packs file and put the file R in the resource_packs file, for the mod to work properly.

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