How Netflix was founded by two friends after being fired

 How Netflix was founded by two friends after being fired


 How Netflix was founded by two friends after they were fired from work. From a failed $50 million deal for Blockbuster to a company with a market value of $30 billion.


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 How Netflix was founded by two friends after they got fired from work


 How Netflix was founded by two friends after they got fired from work It's the story of Netflix, which was created by an ex-Navy SEAL.



 The story of a company that started from a CD


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 Who has become one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs in the world


 The story of the company that started from a CD was sent in the mail by a man who described himself as the worst real estate agent in New York.


 Mark Randol was born on the twenty-ninth of April of the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight in New York. His father was a nuclear engineer.


 As for his mother, she is a real estate broker.


 My father was interested in building model trains.


 This helped teach the son a lot of business-related skills.


 Among them is precision and perfection. Mark's career began with a degree in Geology from Hamilton College.


 After graduation he tried to work with his mother.


 But he did not succeed in real estate.


 Then he worked in a music distribution company.


 Founding of Netflix


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 This gave him experience in handling postal orders, and losing this job caused him to meet the man who helped him establish Netflix.


 Markle joined Integrotti QA, which was acquired by Pure Software in 1996.


 It is the company interested in troubleshooting software errors in other companies and fixing them.


 Where Redha Stinger was CEO of the company.


 But then other companies succeeded in acquiring Pure Software, and Mark and Allred understood that they would lose their jobs in a short time.


 The two men began exchanging ideas that would secure a good future for them.


 Mark was interested in online commerce, offering a range of ideas, most notably selling hair lotion, skateboards, animal food, and other products.


 But the idea the two men finally came up with was to rent discs through the mail.


 At that time, video tapes were large in size and difficult to transmit. As for DVDs, it was a modern technology that was easy to transmit.

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 This project means a direct competition with Blockbuster, which is the largest movie rental store.


 It has two thousand and eight hundred branches around the world, but Block Buster at that time was not using DVDs.


 This means that the use of these discs will give the new project an advantage over competitors.


 But in order to implement the project, the two friends had to save two million dollars, when the amount available to them at that time amounted to only one million nine hundred thousand dollars.


 This prompted Mark to try to attract some investors to complete the amount.


 But he faced great difficulties in persuading them.


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 For example, Aleksandr Balkansky refused to let his company participate in the project, arguing that the films would soon be available on the Internet.


 No one will have to rent or buy discs.


 Alexander was not ready to invest in a company whose main activity would disappear after less than five years. After that, Mark turned to close associates, including his friend Istikkar and his mother, who did not hesitate to give him money.


 After collecting enough money, the Netflix company was established, which initially bore the name Cable. That was in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven.


 The first headquarters of the company was a former bank.


 The official business of the company has begun


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 It was used to store DVD copies of every movie available at the time.


 A very simple website has been developed, through which Z can select the movie he wants to watch, and the workers will send a disc to his home afterwards.


 The official work of the company began on the fourteenth of April of the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, and the many requests that day caused the site servers to crash.


 Which necessitated spending more money to develop servers.


 A few weeks later, Mark traveled to the Electronics Show in Las Vegas.


 He spoke with representatives of the most famous DVD player manufacturers, namely Toshiba, Panasonic and Sony.


 The offer was that the buyer of the device would get three free vouchers to purchase movies from the company when purchasing a DVD player, which Toshiba accepted after seeing that it would help it increase sales and outperform competitors.


 A month later, Reed and Mark received a phone call inviting them to Seattle.


 Jeff Bezos wanted to talk to them. Amazon was aiming to acquire Netflix for between fourteen and sixteen million dollars.


 The two friends found themselves faced with two options, either to sell the company or to enter into a losing war against Amazon. Reed and Mark decided not to focus on selling to avoid competition with Amazon.

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 The company's activity was directed more towards leasing.


 After that, Netflix contracted with a company specialized in copying discs. The first disc to be sold was the one that presented the testimony of US President Bill Clinton before the jury after an investigation that lasted for four years.


 The company sold a thousand copies of the disc for ninety-five dollars per copy. That work was successful, but it caused a lot of trouble for the company after something went wrong while copying the discs.


 Not all ripped discs contained Bill Clinton's testimony, and then included films with an adult rating only.


 The company issued a statement apologizing for the error.


 It also offered compensation for the value of the discs.


 But those who obtained it kept it instead of obtaining compensation, and the company obtained five thousand new subscribers thanks to that error.


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 Over time, the company's economic situation did not improve, prompting Reed to try to make a change.


 He went to Mark's office and asked him to give up the CEO position.


 Mark becomes president of Netflix, while Reid assumes the duties of CEO of the company, which Mark agreed to after Reed convinced him of his new plan to save the company from bankruptcy.


 Red is now concerned with the financial affairs and business operations of the company, while Mark is concerned with customer relations and closing deals.


 But bad luck required the company for a longer period.


 Since the idea of ​​renting discs was not a popular idea among customers, Redo Markle reached the conclusion that the idea of ​​renting a DVD and waiting for it to arrive in the mail is not an interesting idea.

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