Langya henipavirus, Khosta-2 Should one be concerned about the discovery of new viruses?

Langya henipavirus, Khosta-2 Should one be concerned about the discovery of new viruses?


Since last summer, the discovery of two new viruses, the Langya henipavirus and the Khosta-2, has raised concerns. But there is nothing to worry about, according to Le Parisien on September 28.


Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been increased scrutiny of new viruses.


Langya henipavirus, Khosta-2 Should one be concerned about the discovery of new viruses?
Langya henipavirus, Khosta-2 Should one be concerned about the discovery of new viruses?



Like the Khosta-2 this month, the Langya henipavirus in August of last year sparked the interest of scientists and a flurry of unsettling comments.


However, these viruses are not a real cause for concern, according to Le Parisien on September 28.

The authors of a paper published in the journal PLoS Pathogens on September 21 tested the characteristics of two coronaviruses known as Khosta-1 and Khosta-2 that were found in chauves-souris in Russia.


Then they found that it shared the SARS-ability CoV-2's to infect cells via the ACE2 receptor and had the potential to infect humans. There is growing concern as the world marks another two years since the pandemic.

No human cases of Khosta-2 have been reported


"There is nothing unusual about the ability of soured chickens to harbor this particular coronavirus strain that utilizes the ACE2 receptor.


But it definitely does not portend a passage to humanity "Bruno Canard, director of research at the CNRS at the University of Aix-Marseille, provided some flavor to the Parisian, though. Additionally, there have been no reported human cases of Khosta-2 infection.


"This finding is intriguing since it makes clear that there are new coronaviruses present in chauves-souris.


This prompts us to be vigilant and keep an eye out for these viruses without simultaneously assuming that each one is capable of spreading epidemic or pandemic disease among humans ", explains Yannick Simonin, a musician and a conference instructor at the University of Montpellier, to the press.


"The monitoring is much tighter"


Bruno Canard claims that because of the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists should find more new viruses in the future since "monitoring is much more fine.


" Since they are being hunted more actively, it is not at all surprising to find new viruses, asserts Yannick Simonin to the Parisian.


"I think this is good news because it allows us to anticipate their potential appearance in humans," he said in his conclusion.


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