The fastest (4) recipes to (increase the beauty, smoothness and freshness of the skin) | Try it and you will not regret it in one week

The 4 fastest recipes to increase the beauty, smoothness and freshness of the skin





The 4 fastest recipes to increase the beauty, smoothness and freshness of the skin
The 4 fastest recipes to increase the beauty, smoothness and freshness of the skin



Starch is one of the most important natural ingredients that have many health benefits for the body and the beauty of the skin. 


All women need to have beautiful, smooth, clear and supple skin without using tools or cosmetics, most of which are expensive; Or some of them are dangerous to human skin, so in this topic you can learn (4) natural recipes with starch that are available in all homes and kitchens to have the best and best skin

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First: the benefits of (starch) for beautifying the skin:


1- (starch) has a very high amount of (protein), which helps to produce (collagen), which makes the skin get freshness and delays the appearance of wrinkles on it.

2- It contains (Vitamin A), which helps to get rid of dark areas in the skin and also works to lighten the skin.

3- (starch) helps to remove the increased fat that appears a lot in the skin, which leads to reducing the appearance of (grains and pimples) in the skin.

4- (starch) helps to clean the skin of toxins and remove black heads

5- (starch) also helps to get rid of infections that lead to damage to the soft layers of the skin.



Second: starch recipes to lighten the skin 



Mask (starch and honey)


 (A)- A spoonful of starch is mixed with a spoonful of bee honey, then this mixture is placed on the skin.

 (B) - This mixture is left on the skin until it dries completely, and then the mixture is removed by rubbing the skin gently.

(C) - The skin is washed with lukewarm water, and this mixture must be repeated once every week.


2- Mask (starch and milk):


(A)- Mix one tablespoon of powdered milk with one tablespoon of starch

- Add drops of olive oil and stir this mixture well (B)

(C)- This mixture is distributed well on the skin and then left on the skin to dry for half an hour or more.

(D) - Finally, the skin is washed and then the skin is gently dried.



3- Mask (starch for oily skin):


(A)- One tablespoon of (starch) is mixed in one tablespoon of (hot water) and they must be equal.

(B)- We start by applying (olive oil) to the skin first, then we mix (starch) with (olive oil) on the skin and leave it on the skin for half an hour.

(C)- The face is washed with (warm water) well and then it is rinsed with (lukewarm water), and this is to close the open pores in the face.



4- Mask (starch and lemon for the skin):


(A)- Mix equal amounts of (starch) with (lemon juice).

(B)- This mixture is placed on the skin well, and then the mixture is left on the skin for (10 minutes) until the mixture dries well on the skin.

(C) - The skin must be rinsed with (warm water), after which the skin is rinsed with (lukewarm water) and the skin is then dried well and gently.


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