The five best films downloaded on Netflix

 best films downloaded on Netflix


 The five best movies downloaded on Netflix. You will find Hawaii Pekin Meganist. This action unit takes place in Poland and focuses on an unknown mafia boss whose story tells how he met from being a mere taxi driver to the criminal elite in the underworld.


Best movies on Netflix


 One of the best movies on netflix?


 The five best movies downloaded on Netflix. You will find Hawaii Pekin Megangest. This action unit takes place in Poland and focuses on an unknown mafia boss whose story tells how he met from being a mere taxi driver to the criminal elite in the underworld.


 Al Seld focuses on the events that led to his decision to become a gangster.


 Stilling Raiden movie


Netflix movies


 And how the streets of Poland made him a fierce fighter, and it is definitely worth watching, especially for fans of this type of movie. On January 6, you will find the movie Stilling Raiden Sala.


 His story is about six ordinary students with special skills.


 Westlon to implement a plan to steal a famous original painting called.


 This is based on the request of a rich, important and powerful person in the criminal world for a lucrative reward.


 But what happened was not taken into account, and the six young men found themselves fleeing justice and determined to take revenge on those who set them up and exonerate themselves.


 Indonesian movie

best movies on netflix - imdb


 An Indonesian film, but it is very wonderful and resists Hollywood films, which have become somewhat boring. On the same day, you will find a film that revolves around the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty about the young man, Itjar, who was a student at the US Military Academy.


 And one day he found his team called Free Meta.


 At first, it appears as if he committed suicide, and a retired New York policeman named August Lander is assigned to investigate the crime, and the young Edgar also helps him in this difficult investigation, but the military academic life wants to do it quickly and discreetly, and avoid further damage to the school's reputation.


 But another murder of a cadet occurs.  The movie, starring Christian Bay, will be released on January 20.


 Korean science fiction John Ki


Netflix Top 5 movies


 You will find the Korean science fiction movie Jun Ki, which takes place after the end of the world, specifically in the year two thousand one hundred and ninety-four.


 Where humans are forced to live in a man-made shelter built to survive, amidst all this chaos, an internal war breaks out in the shelter.


 I personally love Korean cinema, and if you are like me and also love science fiction films, you will enjoy this work.


 Romantic and comedy film Yo Bebo


Top movie Netflix 2023


 On the twenty-seventh of January, you will find the romantic and comedy film Yo Bebo, in which you will follow the story of Ezra and Amira. Their first meeting was modern and cute.


 Where Agra Cohen accidentally got into Amira Muhammad's car one day, thinking she was an Uber driver by mistake.


 And with the exchange of parties to talk, he asked a fee from a princess for an appointment to get to know each other, and the two bonded over a common love for music, sports shoes, and so on.


 It is clear that both of them have finally found that special person they are looking for.


 Now is the time to think about integrating their family, but Azar's parents are white Jews, and Amira's parents are black-American Muslims.


 Starring Eddie Murphy, Jonah Lorraine London, David de Cavney, and the most important of them.


 Here ends the list and I hope you find what you are watching.

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