What is the concept of management

management concept

Management is the decision-making process that seeks to maximize the use of various resources in an organization or organization in order to ensure the achievement of the planned goals and the success of the organization, without this leading to the loss of these resources and achieving satisfaction for the employees and customers of the organization, by using and applying a set of technological and technical systems, as well as The administrative, social and environmental systems, responsible for the continuity and existence of the institution and facing the challenges it may face.


Management science concept

Accordingly, the science of public administration can be understood as that science that is generally devoted to the study of aspects of the administrative activity of the state, with its three powers, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary, and in particular towards the study of personnel affairs and local administration.


The Permanent International Committee of Administrative Sciences has defined public administration as those sciences that aim to research “the sum of information related to the organization of public interests in terms of the formation of its bodies and the persons in charge of its administration, and methods of management and organization that are more practical from a practical point of view to the goals sought by public interests.”


What is management


Controversy arises among researchers in management about its nature in terms of whether it is a science or an art, and before we delve into this, it is worthwhile to clarify what is meant by “art and science”.


In general, it can be said that art is devoted to personal ability and skill in performing a work more efficiently than if that work was done by an ordinary or average person in the level of intelligence and physical ability, and therefore art depends on talents and personal preparations.


As for science, it means a set of rules and principles that explain phenomena and the relationships that exist between them, and science is based on a set of laws whose use leads to reaching the same results, taking into account the similarity of application conditions. Management by applying the attributes of art to management, and they support this by saying that management is as old as humanity and that it appeared before the beginning of science. It is also one of the traits attached to the personality of the individual, as there are those who are behind leadership, leadership and responsibility, and there are those who are satisfied with receiving orders and carrying out activities. This has led many to say that a successful leader is born like this and cannot be made.


Others believe that management is a science like other social sciences that is based on a set of rules that have been reached by following the scientific method away from personal influences that are suitable for application in different times and places. This is in addition to the trend towards the expansion of the use of quantitative studies in management. The book differed in determining the date of the emergence of scientific management, and the most likely opinion is that it began at the beginning of the twentieth century thanks to the efforts of the first pioneer researchers in His Excellency: Administrative Problems on the Basis of Science and Experience rather than the Conjecture Event.

What is the concept of management
What is the concept of management


Whichever is the correct opinion, the opinion that most of the writers go to and the opinion that he approved is that the administration, in its principles and rules, has not yet reached the stage of stability. Management principles are flexible principles that are subject to change according to the conditions of application and are affected by political and economic conditions. Most of the principles and administrative rules are based on studying and analyzing different administrative systems to extract common and valid assets for application in different organizations. Therefore, in achieving its goals, management depends on studying successful individual experiences to: The aspect of collecting, recording and analyzing facts and information for the purpose of arriving at relative principles.


There is no doubt that the combination of the scientific and technical aspects in the aspects of administrative activity increases the efficiency of administrative application. The management man who depends on his own capabilities will be more successful if he develops his abilities and talents with modern theories in the field of management, and this is what leads us to say that the modern administrative philosophy depends on Its composition is a mixture of science and art together.


Types of management

Public administration: It is characterized by working in monopolistic conditions, and providing public services whose purpose is not to make a profit, but rather the service is a duty. It abides by the rule of equality between citizens before the service without discrimination, and this administration is considered public and huge. Responsible and has a large number of employees.

Business Administration: It is characterized by a spirit of fierce competition and its ultimate goal is to achieve the highest possible profit through the management of private enterprises, which are usually smaller than public administrations and have fewer employees.


elements of management

Objectives: These are the desired results to be achieved, and this element often includes the use and intent to achieve those results.

Resources: These include natural resources, such as land, and financial resources in their various forms, such as money, machinery, materials, human resources such as employees, and the internal environmental resources of the enterprise.

Curriculum: It is based on the use of all administrative functions such as organization, planning and decision-making.

Environment: It includes people and institutions of all kinds. And, of course, every creature on the surface of the earth influences and is affected by others, benefiting from them and benefiting them.


Management functions

Planning : It is an intellectual work that precedes implementation, through which the goals to be achieved, how to achieve them, and the practical steps needed to achieve them are determined, meaning drawing a complete picture of everything that will be done to reach the desired result.

Organizing : which is represented in controlling internal affairs, distributing tasks and following up the progress of work, clarifying and coordinating the work environment among its employees, and mixing human and material resources by setting a structure for tasks.

Guidance : is through enabling the working cadres to work, and giving them the necessary orders and powers that enable them to implement decisions and achieve goals.

Leadership : A position as a leader of a group, organization, etc.

Functions: What something is used for.- purpose, r ole, use.


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