worst eating habit Increase the risk of cancer

worst eating habit Increase the risk of cancer



worst eating habit  Increase the risk of cancer
worst eating habit Increase the risk of cancer



Nutrition experts revealed a habit of eating that can increase the risk of cancer, by reducing or increasing certain foodstuffs.


 Many are keen to make sure that the food on their menu contains plenty of folic acid (vitamin B9) and other types of B vitamins.


 And while both can help keep you feeling healthy and youthful, new data has found that not getting enough folate and B vitamins can lead to cancer-related problems, according to Eat This, Not That.


 “Deficiency in some elements including folate and B vitamins (B12, B6, B3) leads to chromosomal rupture, DNA methylation deficiency, and increased sensitivity to mutagens (factors), says Pedro Carrera Bastos, a researcher in nutrition, metabolism and inflammation at Lund University in Sweden. chemical or physical alteration of the genetic structure).


 Dietitian Blair Persion says: “Folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 play an essential role in methionine synthesis and DNA methylation.


 And when DNA methylation is altered, there is a greater chance of gene mutations and DNA damage, which can eventually lead to cancer.”


 "Due to its role in DNA methylation, folate deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of cancer. At the same time, some studies have also found a link between increased folic acid and an increased risk of cancer."


 That's why Blair says it's important to "make sure we include foods rich in folic acid in our diet without overdoing it by adding supplements above the RDA (recommended dietary allowance)".


 To make sure you're doing exactly that, Blair notes, "Men and women 19 and older should aim for 400 mcg of folic acid equivalent (DFE), and pregnant women should aim for 600 mcg of DFE." Breastfeeding women should aim for 500 micrograms of it.


 She explains that some of the preferred plant sources of B vitamins are legumes, leafy green vegetables, nutritional yeast, whole grains, nuts and seeds. We can also ensure we get enough B vitamins by eating a balanced diet with a variety of different foods.

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