Foods that cause low energy ... so beware of eating them

 During the day, it is possible for your energy levels to rise and fall, as a result of several reasons and factors that contribute to raising and lowering them in the body.

Among these causes are anxiety and tension, sleep, physical activity, and the foods that are eaten. Are there foods that cause low energy?


Foods that cause low energy
Foods that cause low energy



This question comes to everyone's mind, because we all know that food is the first and main source of energy, and therefore we put this article at your disposal in order to learn together about the foods that cause a decrease in the body's energy.


 Foods that cause low energy

1- White bread

There are different and varied types of bread that are made from white flour, and all of these types are advised to stay away from them and replace them with other types of bread made from brown flour, because the carbohydrates that are produced from white flour cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels, and after eating them, they return to a decrease. In high proportions, therefore white bread is considered one of the foods that cause low energy in the body.


As for the bread that is made of wheat and whole grains, it takes a long time to be absorbed by the body, which helps to maintain and increase the body's energy for longer periods of time.

2- Breakfast cereal


Foods that cause low energy
Foods that cause low energy


There is a common belief among many that breakfast cereals are one of the best types of foods that can be eaten for breakfast, whether for children or adults, but not all types of breakfast cereals are ideal to start your day with, as these cereals contain large amounts of sugars that It is harmful to health, and therefore these grains are considered one of the most prominent foods that cause low energy in the body.


Although sugar raises the body's energy immediately, this increase does not last for a long period of time, and the rapid increase in blood sugar levels may damage the parts responsible for the process of stimulating the brain, causing the body to lose energy.


Therefore, it is necessary to choose healthy and suitable types of breakfast cereals that do not contain large amounts of sugar.


3- Coffee

Consuming coffee in measured and moderate quantities has a lot of positive effects on both the body and the mind, and many studies and scientific research have shown that coffee contributes significantly to reducing the risk of developing some diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease , neurodegenerative disease, and Parkinson ’s disease, in rates ranging from 25-34%.

Some practical research also reported that every cup of coffee consumed by a person during the day contributes to reducing the incidence of type 2 diabetes by up to 7%, as the caffeine in coffee helps supply the body with energy, and stimulates the work and functions of the brain. Therefore, we see that many people may adopt it to get rid of fatigue and gain energy.


4- Manufactured energy drinks

Foods that cause low energy
Foods that cause low energy

Some people think that energy drinks are the only way to rejuvenate and revitalize the body during the day, but the truth of the matter is completely different.


Energy drinks work in the short term, which means that they fill the body with caffeine and sugars for a period of time, which makes the person feel energetic and energetic, but after a short period of time, blood sugar levels decrease more than before, so the body’s fatigue increases and its activity and energy decreases.


5- Fried and fatty foods

Fried foods rich in fats and oils need long periods of time in order for the process to be fully digested, and therefore the body needs to make a double effort in order to transfer blood from the extremities to the stomach in order to carry out the digestion process, and this causes weak body energy for a period of not less than 8 hours during the day.


This matter is not limited to fried and fat-rich foods, but rather to all slow-digesting foods, an example of which are foods that contain harmful fats that consume the body's energy in order to digest it instead of converting it into energy.


6- Low calorie foods

The body uses calories to carry out basic functions such as breathing, heart work, and thinking, but some people find that eating low-calorie foods is a healthy and correct option.


If you significantly and unintentionally reduce the calories that must be consumed during the day, the brain will give signals of hunger, and thus this will lead to slow metabolism in the body and a decrease in energy levels.


Therefore, it is better to eat appropriate amounts of food at regular intervals, and avoid neglecting any meal, or waiting until severe hunger.


7-Foods without iron

The iron component in the body converts calories into energy, and if you eat low-iron or iron-free foods, this will lead to a decrease in energy levels in the body, which leads to a feeling of lethargy and permanent fatigue.


Therefore, it is recommended that the daily diet contain sufficient quantities of foods rich in iron, and an example of these foods are leafy vegetables, meat of all kinds, liver, fish, and in addition to all that dried fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate.



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