10 steps to achieving your personal goals

  Ten steps to achieving your personal goals

   Why should anyone have goals to strive for anyway, I sometimes hear people ask.  Well, setting goals is essential to living a meaningful life and creating incentives to move forward and prove yourself. Goals include plans, hopes, and dreams to achieve in life. 

  There are many reasons, but in short, goal setting helps you plan and when you have a plan, you can do something.  This helps make your goals a reality, and the goal setting process helps you choose where you want to go in life.  Knowing exactly what you want to achieve, the plan helps you goal setting and time management more effectively. 

   But many are unable to achieve their goals because many distractions distract people from focusing on achieving their goals, and for that, these steps will help you identify your goals and achieve them effectively.


Ten steps to achieving your personal goals
10 steps to achieving your personal goals



goal setting steps


1. What do you want exactly? Select your goal.


    Do you have a clearly defined goal with a defined action plan? Is achieving this goal important to you personally? Can you achieve your goals? Do you have a chance to achieve this?

    Setting goals is very important to anyone's success. It is the process by which you know where you are going. Are you clear about what is important to you in your life?

    When you set goals for yourself, they should motivate you. This means making sure it's important to you. Do you set your goals based on this?

    Set goals related to your life's most important priorities. Without this kind of focus, you can end up with many goals, leaving you with little time to dedicate to each goal.

   Is your goal something you want or is it something you believe in?
  You can only achieve your goals if you are crystal clear about exactly what you want.

  Well, what do you want exactly?

2. How strong is your desire? Determine the strength of your desires

    The desire to reach a goal or achieve a dream is the first and most important step in achieving the goal. Do your desires inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals?

    On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is very weak and 10 means "I would do anything to achieve this goal," how strong is your desire? The more desire you have, the better your inner strength is to approach this goal. So... on a scale of 1 to 10, how strong is your desire?

   The starting point for any achievement in life is the desire to reach this achievement, and the weakness of determination and desire leads to poor results.

3. Have you written down your goals?

 write it:

     Have you recorded your goal on paper and made it tangible? Did you know that only 3% write down their goals, and of that 3%, only 80% achieve their goals? Are you of the 80%? Writing your goal is your declaration that you want it! be specific. Put it where you will see it several times a day.

   The process of scoring and writing goals makes them more realistic and tangible because that way you won't forget them. Make sure when writing the goals that you use the appropriate format.

4. Can you see and feel that you have what you want?

    Identify all the ways that can help you reach your goal.

    Can you imagine that you have reached your goal?  Where are you?  What are you doing?  How is your life different?  how do you feel?  be specific.  The more benefits you can imagine, the more inspired and energetic you will be, and the more attractive this goal will be to you.  See and feel yourself already there.  Use that power to fuel your actions.

       So... can you see and feel you're getting what you want?

5. Where are you now ? Select your beginning point:

   What is your Starting point? Do you understand where you are now, to plot the most effective and direct direction to your destination? With a clear starting point, you can head in the proper direction. It is like planning your itinerary for a street trip. If you do not recognize the place you are, you can't know how to get where you are going.

  Where are you now?

6. What is your time frame:

   Did you stick to schedules and deadlines?  Do you allocate time to achieve the goal?

   You must set a time frame for your goals so that you can achieve them and measure your success in reaching them.  In addition, setting a deadline or timeframe for your goals will help you feel more compelling and ensure that you put in more effort to get them done promptly prioritize things of the least value or not?  Have you set a time to work on your goal and put that time into your diary?  By doing so you commit to paving the way for action towards your goal.


7. What are the obstacles you may face and how will you deal with them? 


   Consider potential obstacles/obstacles and ways to deal with them.

   What are the potential difficulties you may encounter?  Have you prepared contingency plans to deal with these obstacles?  How can you deal more effectively with these obstacles?

    The ability to solve problems is an essential life skill that is essential to our daily lives, at home, at school, and work;  We solve problems every day without really thinking about how to solve them.

   Simply put, problem-solving is the process of identifying a problem and taking action to solve it.

   So, what are the obstacles that you may face and how will you deal with them?

8. What are your strengths and resources?  resource identification


   You must first identify your strengths and weaknesses to know what you can do.  With your strengths and resources, can you achieve your goal? Is your goal appropriate to your capabilities?  Can friends help you move forward toward your goal?  You have to take into account when setting the goal those simple things and work on improving the skills you need and building on your strengths. What can you do to reach your goal and motivate yourself to achieve success in life?  Be your own best resource.

9. Make a plan

   "A dream remains a dream, but the goal requires good planning and effective steps to achieve it."

   Have you broken down your goal into small, manageable daily goals?  Setting a weekly or daily goal is very important because you cannot do anything at once, but dividing your goal into small steps according to priority helps you by preparing a good action plan, identifying each task you have to do, and determining the start and end point of each task in achieving your goal.  You have to do these steps.  A plan is what will help you get on the right track and assess your progress toward your goal.

   So.  What are your steps and your plan?


10. Are you committed?  Commit and trust yourself


   Commitment is important to setting and achieving a goal.  Sticking to the plan enables you to prove yourself and achieve your goals with determination and commitment to carry out everything that is planned.


   Try saying this to yourself: "I'll try to do this....."
Now say "I am committed to carrying out...."

   Which one is more solid and more likely to happen?  To achieve any goal, all you have to do is commit to achieving it.  Are you committed to allocating all the necessary time, energy, and money?  Have you committed to doing everything necessary to achieve this goal?

  Deal with and overcome your expectations and fears by sticking to your plan and your determination to succeed and achieve life goals.

  So... are you committed?  Are you sure of yourself?

    After defining the goals and setting plans and strategies for them, work and implementation of what was planned must be started. Reaching the goals can only be achieved by real and actual work to reach them.

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