الصحة والجمال والعناية بالبشرة
الصحة والجمال والعناية بالبشرة
There is some evidence to suggest that high sugar consumption may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, such...
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During the day, it is possible for your energy levels to rise and fall, as a result of several reasons...
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Regular consumption can lower your risk of developing heart failure
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Eat right and exercise:
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يتعرض المقال لموجز عن العـلاج بالمـاء ومتى عرفه الانسان وكيف تم استخدامه قديما وحديثا وفوائد العلاج بالماء الساخن والعلاج...
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If you live in a cold climate, or if winter weather is on its way, it's important to take care...
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Fasting for five days all at once could assist certain individuals with switching type 2 diabetes, a review suggests.It is...
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عمل رعاية ما قبل الولادة على تحسين نتائج الحمل، وقد تشمل رعاية ما قبل الولادة أيضا تجنب المخدرات وتدخين التبغ...
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