The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat

The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat


The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat are healthy options rich in vegetable protein away from animal protein products from chicken or meat to eggs.


They are therefore ideal options for vegetarians or those who like to reduce meat consumption without dispensing with adding protein to their diet, in addition to reducing fats that can negatively affect health and cause some diseases such as cholesterol, heart disease and obesity.


It is known that protein is one of the important nutrients that the body needs in terms of giving energy and activity, as well as building and maintaining muscles, in addition to building bones and protecting them from fragility, building teeth and hormones in the body, and strengthening the body's immunity against diseases.


Here is a list of the most important foods rich in protein and low in fat, according to a report by the" Huffington Post".

The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat
The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat


The most important foods rich in protein and low in fat

According to experts, an adult needs a certain amount of protein per day up to 46 grams, but determining the appropriate amount depends primarily on the person's weight and the Physical activity that he does on a daily basis.


This percentage or its equivalent can be obtained from animal protein derivatives such as chicken, meat, fish, eggs, in addition to plants and cereals that we supply as follows:


* Peeled wheat, and a cup cooked from it contains 10,67 grams of protein.


* Quinoa, a cup of cooked quinoa contains about 8,14 grams of protein.


• Grits, a quarter of an uncooked cup of which contains 7 grams of vegetable protein and little fat.


* Buckwheat, the cooked cup of which contains 5,77 grams of protein.


* Peeled barley and a quarter cup of it contains 5,74 grams of protein, while in the rounded grain we find 3,55 grams per cup cooked.


* Bulgur, one of the sources rich in healthy protein and low in fat, and the cooked cup contains 5.61 grams.


* Cottage cheese, 11.81 grams of protein can be obtained from 4 ounces of this cottage cheese, which also contains 2% milk.


* Low-fat Greek yogurt, and every 3.5 ounces of it contains 9.95 grams of delicious protein.


* Eggs, 6,29 grams of protein can be obtained by eating a large and well-boiled egg.


• Chia seeds, sunflower pulp, pumpkin pulp, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds.


* Dried tomatoes contain about 1.9 grams of protein per quarter cup.


* Beans or beans with black seeds, and the cup cooked from them contains 5,23 grams of protein.


* Green peas are rich in low-fat protein so that 4,29 grams of protein can be obtained in half a cup cooked from them.


* Guava is one of the fruits rich in protein, so that a cup of it contains 4,21 grams.


• Spinach, cabbage, mushrooms, about 4 grams of protein can be obtained from each of them per cup cooked.


* Artichokes or ground spiny and dried cabbage are sources of good protein and also low in fat.


* Legumes are also rich in low-fat protein, including white and black beans, peanuts, peanut butter, pistachios, almonds, almond butter, cashew nuts, cashew butter, in addition to chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and peanuts.



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