?Where did you make pizza the first time


The place of pizza making for the first time

 Pizza was first made in the Italian city of Naples during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and it was then considered a low-cost fast food to suit workers during their work and transportation, and quickly spread in the coastal city of Naples because of its simple ingredients and ease of carrying, as overcrowding forced locals to find easy and quick ways to feed their families. [1]


 The consumption of pizza was limited to the poor and middle class, it was not a well-known dish until the forties of the last century, as it spread more widely after Italian immigrants transferred it to American society, preparing it in the traditional way in Boston, Chicago, and St.


Louis, until the first pizza shop was established in New York in 1905. After World War II, pizza became one of the world-famous dishes, and chefs prepared it with different methods and ingredients. [1]


History of pizza making

 although the first place where traditional pizza appeared was the Campania region in southwestern Italy, home to the city of Naples, it seems that the history of pizza making is as old as human societies; both the ancient Egyptians and the Romans ate flat bread with some additives on its surface.

?Where did you make pizza the first time
?Where did you make pizza the first time


 the Greeks also ate it with a layer of oil and herbs on its surface in a similar way to the way pizza was prepared, and after the unification of Italy in 1861; the French King Umberto I and his wife Margarita visited Naples in 1889, apparently bored with the usual French way of preparing fine food, they decided to order a variety From pizza from the brandy pizzeria in the city.


The Queen was impressed by mozzarella pizza, which was a pie covered with soft white cheese, green basil leaves, and red tomatoes, which later became known as margarita pizza, and from this place this meal then began to move to various countries of the world with many additions including grilled chicken, smoked salmon, and others.


the first to invent pizza 

the invention of pizza, which is recognized in our time, belongs to the Italian Raffaele Esposito in the restaurant (Pizzeria di Pietro) in Naples, and it was at the request of the royal family in 1889.


the French queen who asked Pizza was impressed by what this Italian chef prepared, especially since the colors of its ingredients, which include cheese, basil, and tomatoes, resemble the colors of the Italian flag, so this pizza was named after her, and since that day it has become one of the basic dishes in Italian cuisine along with their favorite pasta dish.


 in addition, the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks baked circles of bread in clay ovens and on hot stones, putting numerous additives on its face, in a way as close as possible to The Shape of pizza at the moment, and it was also interesting how in ancient Persia soldiers baked flat bread on their armor after heating it.


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